How the Teldio Edge Gateway Helps Address Client Operational Challenges

The Gateway will automatically relay the alert to the ACC to engage the camera closest to the event, begin recording that field of view at high resolution, and tag that video for easy retrieval and analysis.

Like many portfolio companies, Teldio is experiencing increased demands from customers who are dealing with the pandemic-accelerated pressures of connecting disparate teams and optimizing resource usage safely. Connecting disparate teams often also means integrating independent operational systems to provide broader situation awareness and increased productivity.

One of the ways Teldio steps up to such challenges is through the prepackaged integration of the Teldio Edge Gateway with surveillance cameras and software from security industry leader Avigilon. Customers such as manufacturers are leveraging this integration to detect and resolve issues such as assembly line disruptions more automatically and immediately, which in turn reduces the potential for equipment damage, for production, delivery or revenue losses, and in some cases for worker safety risks.

Further integration of sensors that monitor operating heat or humidity, for example, can be used to automatically trigger an alert into the Edge Gateway if operating conditions shift outside pre-set thresholds. Automated routines can then relay the alert to the factory alarm panel, signal the cloud-connected Avigilon Control Center (ACC) to initiate video recording of the affected area and equipment, and message management or security personnel for immediate human response.

In another example, entry into unauthorized facility areas by employees or equipment can be detected automatically through the surveillance cameras and trigger similar cross-system response procedures. For employees themselves, wireless alert buttons routed to the Edge Gateway enable them to raise alarms in real-time if they detect any issues or incidents first-hand. Again, the Gateway will automatically relay the alert to the ACC to engage the camera closest to the event, begin recording that field of view at high resolution, and tag that video for easy retrieval and analysis.

These examples come from real-world customer deployments. But they leverage just a portion of the current and future integration/IoT capabilities of the Teldio Edge Gateway. The company is always expanding these interfaces, together with customers or in anticipation of emerging needs. For example, work is underway now to enable the Gateway software to manage multiple customer installations, remotely and simultaneously. Such capabilities will provide channel partners and end customers with far greater reach in the tools they are already familiar with, and will create opportunities for new multi-site applications. It is all part of the company vision of enterprise-wide integration of automated digital systems and applications for improved awareness, control and operational performance.