Healthspan Deflects 88% of Chats and Increases CSAT with Generative AI Chatbot

Talkative — Digital services software for contact centers

Achieving an 88% AI Deflection Rate in Under 8 Weeks

Imagine automating 88% of product queries with complete confidence, helping you.

  • Accurately deflect thousands of monthly queries with brand-trained AI
  • Instantly automate answers about any product — no matter how many items you stock
  • Serve more customers on autopilot without increasing agent headcount
  • Improve average handle times, first resolution times, and CSAT scores
  • All while giving your contact center agents time to focus on the conversations that matter most.

That’s exactly what Healthspan’s IT Manager Rob King achieved with Talkative’s Generative AI Chatbot — a staggering 88% deflection rate for customer product queries. For the UK’s leading DTC vitamin brand, that’s no easy feat. Here’s how Rob and Healthspan did it.

The Goal: Increasing Efficiency and Improving Customer Care

Healthspan’s contact center team handles a significant amount of customer queries. Their 57 customer support agents answer over 150,000 interactions per month, all across:

  • Phone Calls
  • Email
  • Live Chat
  • WhatsApp

The main topic of these queries?

Questions about Healthspan’s 200+ products, which includes vitamins, supplements, sports nutrition, and more.

And with every product catering to a range of different health goals and concerns every SKU comes with a huge list of customer queries — from questions on dosage and efficacy to building a personalized supplement stack.

For Healthspan to continue serving its audience of over a million loyal customers Rob knew that their volume of interactions was only going to grow. But with such a large product base and wide-ranging queries, was a chatbot really the right solution for Healthspan? Having worked in IT for over 20 years, Rob knew to be cautious when exploring new LLM technology.

Rob King: ‘We needed to maintain a continuity of experience while delivering quicker responses that required less time and effort to find. But that goal came with its own concerns: could AI actually provide the correct information to our customers in a consistent and reliable way?’

All in all, Rob needed a solution that could:

  • Handle thousands of pages of product information
  • Update, monitor, and edit without developers, designers, or down-time
  • Intelligently hand over to live chat when a customer needs human help
  • Seamlessly match the Healthspan website’s branding and user experience
  • Prevent hallucinations, jailbreaks, or any nuisance tampering.
  • And most importantly, Healthspan customers had to love it.

RK: ‘The “dream” was to have a chatbot act as an automated Product Expert. We wanted to have a chatbot that we could just point at our website, collect the product info URLs we needed, and add the information into a knowledge repository for the AI to use.’

That’s where Talkative’s Generative AI Chatbot came in.

The Solution: Introducing Talkative’s Generative AI Chatbot

Unlike other AI solutions, Talkative’s chatbot takes a hybrid approach to AI and automation. It means that Healthspan could leverage LLM technology via Talkative’s AI Knowledge Base… While also building easy-to-navigate chatbot flows that steer the customer journey with intents and suggestion chips.

Rob had this to say about getting to grips with the Talkative chatbot:

RK: ‘How you build out the bot, how you upload information, and even how you can customize the chat widget — it’s all extremely intuitive and easy to use. No coding or design skills required. And there are lots of reporting tools that keep you updated on the kind of questions that are being asked, along with sentiment analysis and other reporting methods.’

After preparing their brand knowledge and chatbot flows over an eight-week implementation, Healthspan’s AI ‘Product Professor’ was ready.

RK: ‘Getting up and running was really straightforward, and the Talkative team themselves were so friendly. After a consultation with the team, we were easily able to adapt and update the system to our requirements, and they were always on hand to support, often sending emails with current statistics and suggestions for how we could improve our service.

All in all, it took us about eight weeks to go live — which we were really happy with considering the amount of information the chatbot handles.’

The Result: 88% AI Deflection Rate and Increased CSAT

Healthspan launched their new chatbot in May, achieving an immediate deflection rate of 30%. But one month and a few tweaks later, Healthspan’s AI chatbot now deflects 88% of product queries. Customer satisfaction scores even rose from 86% to 89%!

It’s an amazing result for the brand — but it’s not just the customers who are smiling:

RK: ‘Achieving an 88% deflection rate has been massive for Healthspan and our contact center. Agents now have far more time on their hands to concentrate on other tasks, and with the platform’s live chat and social messaging coming as part of the solution, any AI interaction is always safeguarded with an agent that’s ready to take over.

Overall, getting Talkative’s Generative AI Chatbot is a no-brainer. It’s changed the way we think about AI customer service. It’s mind-blowing to see the responses it gives.’

Adopting a Generative AI Chatbot for Your Business

Want to explore how a generative AI chatbot could improve your operational efficiency?

If you’d like to learn how you can turn your pre-existing business knowledge into a generative AI chatbot that can be managed in-house without developers or designers.

Click here now to discover how you can automate up to 88% of customer queries!


“Achieving an 88% deflection rate has been massive… It’s changed the way we think about AI customer service.”

— Rob King


Contact Channels:

GenAI Chatbot, Live Chat and WhatsApp


Mitel Contact Centre, GA4, WhatsApp, SMS and In-House CRM