April 8, 2022
The benefits of automated processes and operations are undeniable — higher productivity, more efficient use of materials, reduced costs, improved safety, greater competitiveness. It goes on. But while it is not always easy nor even possible (due to economic or other factors) for a company to embrace each new wave of technology advancement, the pandemic demonstrated that sometimes there can be no alternatives.
COVID-19 forced enterprises of all types to confront immediate, unprecedented challenges, in some cases to their very survival. And it proved in so many cases that the best solutions for fighting back were digital, automated. Of course, if these were the best steps for the business in the immediate term, they were the right ones for the long haul as well.
Portfolio company Teldio is bringing advanced automation to clients in the industrial, manufacturing, public infrastructure and similar sectors. The Teldio ‘no-code integration platform’ is designed to connect (on premises or in the cloud) and enable new levels of interworking between clients’ disparate operational equipment, information systems and human resources, using features such as Edge Computing, IoT, SaaS, private networks and others. The results are the removal of barriers and blind spots between this critical infrastructure, the automation of processes and workflows for greater accuracy and efficiency, and a cleaner, stronger environment in which to power the business forward.
The company recently completed a successful deployment of their technology at the Daniel K. Inouye International Airport in Honolulu, Hawaii. The airport is equipped with about 130 Automated External Defibrillators (AEDs) for use by travellers or staff in the event of a cardiac arrest. These devices are there to be used, but they need to be monitored, tracked and tested on a regular basis. The established means of doing so was entirely manual. And in cardiac situations, seconds can count, so any disruption in availability could be critical.
With the new Teldio integration technology, whenever an AED cabinet is opened, sensors automatically alert airport staff and stream a live video feed from the associated surveillance camera to provide real-time insight into the situation. A further alert is sent if the AED is actually removed from the cabinet (versus being tested in place). All alerts are reset once the device is returned and cabinet closed. The devices are secure, ready and available if/when needed.
This deployment is the first of its kind, and the level of awareness and potential responsiveness created is unmatched. Local AED Institute president Pamela Foster commented that “We currently look at all the AEDs in the airport every two weeks, but prior to having this system, we would not actually know if the device was really in its cabinet without doing a physical check. We also could not tell how often the devices were actually needed and used. This system takes our program to a much higher level. We will be able to monitor where medical emergencies occur and where we may need additional units due to traffic.” The success of the program means that, depending on funding, the airport authority plans to extend the deployments to the six other state airports this year.
Replacing manual processes while also eliminating the need for expensive system integrations are strong pieces of the Teldio value proposition. Applying advanced technology affordably to even straightforward processes is another, as there are always benefits to be gained. This example is just one that the Teldio team is proud to have been able to help move forward. teldio.com