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Unlocking the Edge in Retail

Edge Signal— Addressing the complexities of edge computing infrastructure

Edge Signal enables lifecell to AI-enable their store operations

Even before the pandemic forced global lockdowns, brick-and-mortar retailers were already struggling against the surge of e-commerce. Now, the retail industry is experiencing significant changes as the worlds of online and in-store shopping converge — driving omnichannel shopping. This brings about its own unique challenges of how to meet customer expectations while managing costs effectively.

Recognizing this shift to omnichannel shopping is leading telecommunications operator lifecell, who has partnered with Edge Signal, to optimize their sales and channel operations through cutting-edge AI technology.

Through the implementation of Edge Signal’s Shop Suite product, lifecell now possesses the capability to process and analyze sales operations data in real time, unlocking invaluable insights that drive operational excellence. These include the optimization of inventory management, quality control, and customer service and support to drive efficiencies and customer success as well as the ability to deliver impactful, consistent, and timely customer messages by collecting visitor analytics and monitoring adherence with marketing and sales protocols.

Edge Signal is a full-fledged AI-powered edge computing platform, which accelerates application development by providing complete edge infrastructure management and edge AI development capabilities. Edge Signal is device- and hyperscaler-agnostic, with built-in security. It has a comprehensive low/no code development and vision AI toolset, which enables organizations to generate insights from any sensor or camera stream in real time.
With Edge Signal’s Shop Suite product, lifecell is able to convert video footage into actionable insights to improve customer experience and drive revenues across their many stores.

To learn more, visit Edgesignal.ai.


“We are thrilled to announce our partnership with Edge Signal, a collaboration that marks a significant step forward in our goal to digitize and optimize shop operations. This AI-based proactive channel, sales, and shop management solution is just one of the many examples of our unwavering commitment to improving customer experience while driving revenues and value for our shareholders.”

— Ismet Yazici, Chief Executive Officer at lifecell


“We are achieving higher service levels and increased customer satisfaction since implementing this AI-based shop management system powered by Edge Signal. It’s a proven technology that will, over time, lead to significant revenue growth for lifecell. The ability to target advertisements effectively and gain deeper insights into our stores and customer profiles is invaluable. With continuous monitoring, we can manage our shops more efficiently, reducing costs while ensuring optimal performance. From audits and mystery shopping to precise marketing placements, every aspect of our operations is improving.”

— Dmytro Dziabura, Chief Sales Officer at lifecell